Our Online Bulletin
Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am
HAPPENINGS is found any time on our website at www.s-heights.org/happenings.
Once per week HAPPENINGS will be emailed to everyone on our email list.
email us at shcrc1@gmail.com if you want to be on the email list.
Bible Quiz
Which of these did not have their name changed in the Bible?
A) Sarah
B) Abraham
C) Jacob
D) David
E) Peter
Scroll to the very bottom for the answer.
Upcoming Events at Southern Heights
These are highlights only. CLICK HERE to see the calendar for a full listing.
There have been changes to the final meeting dates for many ministries, see below for specific details.
March 30 – Spring Break – No Morning Education Hour – No High School or Middle School in evening
April 2 – Spring Break – No Wednesday Ministries
April 6 – Spring Break – No Morning Education Hour
April 6 – Help Stuff candy into plastic eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt after worship
April 6 – High School Ministry meets at 6pm in Student Room
April 13 – Easter Egg Hunt – 9:30 to 10:30am
April 13 – No Morning Education Hour – due to Egg Hunt activities
April 13 – Palm Sunday worship gathering – 10:30am
April 13 – Middle School – 6pm – (2nd Sunday)
April 16 – 1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministries – Men’s and Women’s Ministry only
10am – Women’s Ministry
5:15pm – Pizza supper
6-7:30pm – Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry (No Gems or Cadets)
April 17 – Maundy Thursday Worship gathering – 6:30pm
April 17 – Passion of the Christ – Movie Night – 7:15 to 9:15pm
April 20 – No Education Hour due to Easter
April 20 – Easter – 10:30am
April 27 – Outreach Sunday – 10:30 – Special Video sermon by Pastor Nelson of TEE in Honduras
Candy Donations
We are getting ready for our Easter Egg Hunt Outreach event and we need candy to fill all those little plastic eggs for the kids. If you are able to donate bags of small candies, there will be some baskets in the lobby for you to contribute. Thank you so much and please be in prayer for this big outreach event.
Also – We will be having an “EGG CANDY-STUFFING PARTY” on April 6 in the lobby immediately after worship. Help stuff 1,000 eggs with candy. With lots of help, it usually does not take long, but we need your help. (maybe you can even sneak a couple pieces while you are stuffing the eggs – just not too many 🙂
Easter Egg-Venture
We’re having our big “Easter Egg-Venture” Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 13 from 9:30 to 10:30am. Bring all your friends and neighbors and especially the children to this event. We will have Bible stories that tell the gospel, crafts, games and, of course, Easter Eggs with candy. The whole neighborhood is invited and everyone you can think of should join us on this big day. So much fun and it is all Free!
Palm Sunday – April 13
Sunday, April 13 will be a special day. We start the day off with our Easter “Egg-Venture” Egg Hunt. But immediately after that we have our Palm Sunday worship gathering. We use REAL Palm branches and celebrate Jesus the in the way that they did many years ago in Jerusalem. Come and Worship on this important day starting at 10:30am.
The Passion of the Christ
We have a special showing of the Passion of the Christ April 17, at 7:15pm in the lower level Fellowship Hall immediately following our Maundy Thursday worship gathering. This will be a good way to understand and experience what Jesus went through during the week leading up to Easter.
Outreach Emphasis Sunday
Sunday, April 27, the week after Easter is our Outreach Emphasis Sunday. We do this because once we understand what Jesus did for us and for the world at Easter, we want to share that Good News with as many people as possible all around the world. So we highlight our efforts in our local, national and international missions during this worship gathering.
We have special news. We are planning to have Pastor Nelson Osorto give our sermon by video. Pastor Nelson is the pastor of TEE Church, which is our sister church in Honduras. We hope to be able to invite him to come in person soon, but this year we get to meet him by video.
Then stay after worship for a time of enjoying food from around the world in our Fellowship Hall. This is a way to get to know others better while we learn about our missionaries nearby and around the globe.
Send a Note of Encouragement
Please consider sending a note or card of encouragement to Sam Triemstra, who is stationed at the Goodfellow Air Force base for the next 6 months for intelligence training.
Here is Sam’s address:
Samuel Triemstra
161 Nuchols St. Unit 88597
Goodfellow AFB, TX 76908-3326
Thank you Southern Heights Family…

There are so many gestures of support that flooded our families through Jack’s health journey. Sharing our grief and being a blessing with planning a funeral, flowers, food, music,tech support, set-up…We are very touched by the SH family in action. We can testify to that support in prayer & meeting many needs as they came up. Truly, you are the best and we felt that. It made a difficult, challenging time much easier to handle.
From Jack Scheffers family: Leah and Matt Smith, Jill and Bob Mulder, Tom and Terri Scheffers.
It is time to nominate those from our congregation who you would like to be considered as an Elder or Deacon. Over the next couple months, the Elders and Deacons will prayerfully consider who will be the next leaders of our church. Please submit your nominations to the office (shcrc1@gmail.com) or to any current Elder or Pastor.
There are two key passages dealing with the qualifications of elders in the New Testament, 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 [13].