Our Online Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am

HAPPENINGS is found any time on our website at www.s-heights.org/happenings.
Once per week HAPPENINGS will be emailed to everyone on our email list.
email us at shcrc1@gmail.com if you want to be on the email list.

Bible Humor

Who was the most disappointed when the Prodigal Son returned home?

Scroll to the very bottom for the answer.

Upcoming Events at Southern Heights

These are highlights only.  CLICK HERE to see the calendar for a full listing.

July 20 to 26 – Student Ministry Mission Trip to West Virginia

July 28 – Guest Pastor – Joey DeKoekkoek

July 31 – Women’s Bible Study

August 4 – Guest Pastor – Curtis DeVries

August 7 – Women’s Bible Study

August 11 – Mission Trip Team Shares about their trip

August 11 – Church Picnic after worship

August 14 – Women’s Bible Study

Church Picnic – Aug 11

August 11 – right after our worship gathering we will have our annual church picnic and potluck.  We are going back to our roots to the place where we originally had our church picnics for years – MILHAM PARK  (and it is very nearby). We have reserved the large pavilion on Kilgore and Lover’s Lane by the kids playground.

THE CHURCH WILL PROVIDE: Hot Dogs, buns, condiments, plates, utensils, and water.  And back by popular demand, Gregg Jones will bring his famous “Coney Sauce” for the hot dogs.

EVERYONE BRING A DISH FIT FOR A PICNIC and we will all enjoy together – ideas include, chips, pop, deviled eggs, beans, watermellon, fruit, brownies, cookies, whatever you like to eat and drink at a picnic.  There will be picnic tables under the pavilion, but feel free to bring camp chairs.  There will be a lot of space for yard games like corn-hole if someone wants to bring those.

This will be lots of fun and a great time to eat, play games, mingle, meet new people and get to know others better.


The Mission Trip is going very well.  The team leaders are updating our “Southern Heights Church Friends” facebook page – here is the link…


There is also an online web blog about the mission trip at the following link…


They will arrive back home between 7-8pm on Friday, July 26.  Please be in prayer every day for the students and the leaders on this trip.  Pray for the people that they will serve.  Pray for safety and for good relationship building.  And pray that God blesses this trip for HIS kingdom.

Women’s Weekly Wednesday Bible Study

The women of Southern Heights have a weekly Wednesday Bible study in the conference room.  Come and meet new friends and deepen your knowledge of Jesus together.


The Children’s Ministry is excited to offer “VEGGIE SUMMER” – a Veggie Tales themed education program that will happen every Summer Sunday during worship gatherings.  The children 2nd grade and younger will be dismissed to the nursery where a theater room has been setup.  They will watch a Veggie Tales episode and they will learn about God’s Word and important Bible stories that are taught through the “Veggie Tales” videos and crafts.  The children will love it.


Praise God, all three students have now received the donations that are needed to finish their studies in Honduras.  Thank you to those who helped sponsor these great students.

A Good Scripture to Memorize

Picture Board Updates

Is your picture on the picture board wall?  Would you like it to be?  If you would like your picture on the wall, just email your picture to shcrc1@gmail.com and we will make sure you are included… easy peasy.

If you want your picture updated to a more recent one – same thing – just email one to us.

Please Help Us Recycle

At Southern Heights we want to be good stewards of God’s world.  This is why we recycle when possible.  Please help us.  When you have items that can be recycled like plastic, paper, cans, cardboard – please find the appropriate bins, or bring them to the office which also has bins.  We can do these things for God’s world.  Thank you.

Did You Lose a Car Key?

A car key was found at the church.  If you lost one, please contact Jeff Baas at jmbaas1@gmail.com or call the church office – 269-349-4954.

Have a Praise or Prayer Request?

Click on this prayer prompter image or email deborahbos2@gmail.com and your prayer or praise will be included in our weekly Prayer Prompter, which is received and prayed over by many in our Southern Heights family. Tell us if your request is confidential and it will only be shared with elders and staff, who will confidentially pray for you.

Your Offerings to God

as of July 21, 2024

If you have questions about your giving, want a copy of your statement, or for a reminder of what your First Fruits estimate is, please email our Treasurer, Jeff Baas at jmbaas1@gmail.com. He is happy to help you.


We have a fund called “Covenant Promise”.  This fund helps our Southern Heights families with the cost of Christian Education.

Now is the time to prayerfully consider supporting the Covenant Promise Fund.  You may give online, through the mail, or it may be placed in the offering Lobby Lockboxes on Sunday.  Please make sure all funds are marked “Covenant Promise” and thank you for supporting Christian Education.


If you feel the need to talk to a professional counselor, we have a confidential Church Assistance Program (CAP) with Pine Rest Mental Health Services. To get started – or for more info – call 616.455.6210 or 800.442.0809 and mention our Southern Heights CAP membership when you do.

Answer to Bible Humor

“The Fattened Calf”