Our Online Bulletin
Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am
HAPPENINGS is found any time on our website at www.s-heights.org/happenings.
Once per week HAPPENINGS will be emailed to everyone on our email list.
email us at shcrc1@gmail.com if you want to be on the email list.
Bible Trivia
What country/people did Goliath come from?
Scroll to the very bottom for the answer.
Dear Friends…
I was raised on a regular refrain of the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed…try, try again.” This served me well for growth experiences like learning to ride a bicycle or trying to swallow a bite of zucchini or steamed spinach. This strategy was even fairly handy for more complicated matters later in life, like resolving conflict with a friend, trying to make sense of Biblical Greek, or…trying to swallow a bite of spinach…served to me by my loving wife (for the record, I kinda like the stuff now…apparently I have grown up…but I digress!)
THE POINT IS…there are many tasks in this life that seem like, if we just try harder at them, they’ll work better. I often expect my spiritual life to fall into that category. I generally assume that if I just:
-pray often enough, for long enough…
-read the Bible enough…
-listen to enough sermons…
…then those things will kind of magically become more and more meaningful, I’ll get more and more out of them, I will FEEL closer and closer to God, and my faith will just kind of WORK. But you know what? There are mornings, nights, days – sometimes whole weeks, seasons, or even years – when I just feel disconnected from the Lord…like someone unplugged my charging cable. Every so often I’ll find myself praying because I know it’s a good habit, but just not feeling like my heart is in it. Or I’ll be reading the Bible or some devotional book out of habit, but just feel like not one word of it is really getting through to me. I’m never HOPING for this or TRYING to make it happen, and it’s a bit unnerving when it does. But it happens to me anyway.
Since I am fairly confident we’ve all experienced this, may I offer a couple reflections on such times?
1. When you’re trying to get close to God and it doesn’t FEEL TO YOU like it’s working, that doesn’t mean it GOD isn’t working. I think sometimes such pauses in the “movement” of our spiritual life and growth are God’s way of keeping us humble. Keep up the good habits, and keep expecting God to meet you in them…it’ll happen His way, in His perfect timing. Those are usually times when I’ve been doing my faith stuff all by myself…
2. On the other hand, when you’re feeling “stuck” in your walk with God in one area, but know that you’re trying not to be too open or honest with Him in some other area (because you’re pretending He doesn’t know or that it doesn’t matter…but deep down you kinda know it does), you probably won’t get unstuck without admitting you’ve been playing hide-and-seek with Him. That may mean just admitting this to HIM…or you may find it helpful to find a brother or sister in Christ to help hold you accountable. Either way, there’s life and healing for you on the other side of that confession EVERY TIME!
Friends, as much as I personally can fall into routines and ruts, I think we all know churches can struggle with that too. Praise Almighty God that the Southern Heights Church family does not seem to struggle with this! As a church family, we strive to support and encourage one another and anyone else who wants to encounter Jesus! And we have a great time doing it! You should come join us…Sunday morning at 10:30am at 4141 East Hillandale. I can’t wait to meet you! (…and I promise not to make you eat any spinach)
His…Pastor todd <><
Upcoming Events at Southern Heights
These are highlights only. CLICK HERE to see the calendar for a full listing.
February 9 – NO Middle School Ministry – (Super Bowl Sunday)
February 16 – NO Education Hour – Winter Break
February 16 – High School Ministry – 6pm (3rd Sunday)
February 19 – 1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministries
10am – Women’s Ministry
5:15pm – Pizza supper
6-7:30pm – Gems, Cadets, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry
February 23 – Family Listening Meeting – after worship in FH
February 23 – Middle School – 6pm (4th Sunday)
March 2 – High School Ministry – 6pm (1st Sunday)
March 5 – Ash Wednesday
March 5 – 1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministries
March 9 – TIME CHANGE – Spring Forward
March 9 – Middle School – 6pm (2nd Sunday)
March 16 – High School – 6pm (3rd Sunday)
A table will be set up in the lobby on Sundays for donations on February 9,16, and 23.
Our students love and appreciate your wonderful gifts.
Gift cards to Biggby or a similar shop
Granola bars
Candy, gum, suckers
Microwave popcorn, hot cocoa, crackers
Homemade food items
Any other small items
Encouraging notes and cards
Monetary donations to cover postage;
(these can be given to Donna Neevel or Erica Deubner)