Our Online Bulletin

Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am

HAPPENINGS is found any time on our website at www.s-heights.org/happenings.
Once per week HAPPENINGS will be emailed to everyone on our email list.
email us at shcrc1@gmail.com if you want to be on the email list.

Bible Humor

What do you call someone who only believes 12.5% of the Bible?

Scroll to the very bottom for the answer.


Dear Friends…

(If you’re reading this, that’s you, even if we’ve never met before!)

I’ve found a lot of life and encouragement from using “The Daily Refresh” on the main screen of the YouVersion Bible app lately.  I highly recommend it!  Earlier this week, this was the verse of the day:

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)

If you are reading this and you already know Jesus, may He rule in your heart today and in the coming days and weeks.  As members of the body of Christ, you are indeed called to peace.  And if you’re struggling to FEEL peace, start with the thankfulness part and work backwards…I promise God will get you to the right place!

If you are reading this and you DON’T already have a personal relationship with Christ, friend, I hope you will come spend some time with us at Southern Heights…where everyone here (the pastor included!) comes as broken people who don’t have all the answers and dares to approach the One we know to be a perfect, forgiving, peace-loving, awesome God…and delight in His goodness together!  If you’re looking around the world and feeling a little low on peace, we’d love to introduce you to the God who invented peace, as we look to Him for help in being a fellowship that seeks and is ruled by His peace.

Whoever you are…and HOWever you are…we gather at 10:30am every Sunday at 4141 East Hillandale.  I hope to see yall then!

His…Pastor todd <><

Upcoming Events at Southern Heights

These are highlights only.  CLICK HERE to see the calendar for a full listing.

October 27
NO Ed Hour – Fall Break
– 10:30am – Worship Gathering – Missionary Visit – VanZoests
– 6pm – Middle School (4th Sunday)

– 9-10am – Education Hour – Middle School, High School and Adults
– 10:30 – Worship Gathering – All Saints Sunday
– Noon – District 3 Potluck – (Last name I to McL) – Fellowship Hall
– 6pm – High School (1st Sunday)

November 6 – 1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministry
– 10:00am – Women’s Ministry morning edition
– 5:15pm – Pizza
– 6-8pm – Gems, Cadets, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry

November 10
– 9-10am – Education Hour – Middle School, High School and Adults
– 10:30 – Worship Gathering
– 6pm – Middle School (2nd Sunday)

November 17
– 9-10am – Education Hour – Middle School, High School and Adults
– 10:30 – Worship Gathering – PASTOR SWAP – Mark Immink
– 6pm – High School (3rd Sunday)

November 20 – 1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministry
– 10:00am – Women’s Ministry morning edition
– 5:15pm – Pizza
– 6-8pm – Gems, Cadets, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry

November 24
NO Education Hour – Thanksgiving Break
– 10:30 – Worship Gathering
– 6pm – Middle School (4th Sunday)

November 27 – Thanksgiving Eve Worship Gathering – 6:30 – 7:15pm


This is the “Good” time change – we get an extra hour.  Enjoy and see you on November 3 at the new time.

District 3 Potluck

Does your last name start with “I to McL”?  Do you like yummy food?  Well on November 3 we have a solution.  Join your fellow District 3 at a potluck.  You will be contacted by your Elder and Deacon with instructions on what food to bring.  Then on November 3, bring your dish and enjoy a nice meal in the Fellowship Hall.

All Saints Sunday – November 3

We have a very special Sunday on November 3 called All Saints Sunday.  At this service we remember those family and friends who are close to us who have died over the last year.  As we head into the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, it can be especially hard for those who have recently lost a loved one and this special service takes time to remember and reflect on their memories and the ultimate redemption in Jesus.  We hope you will join us for this special time.

Pastor Swap

November 17

Pastor Todd will be swapping preaching with Pastor Mark Immink from “City on a Hill” Church.  This is a church we have been working with as they are planted and become established.  Come and support our good friend Pastor Mark.

Thanksgiving Offering

It is the time of year when we gather together to count our  blessings and thank God for all He has done.  We would like to give you an opportunity to make a special offering of  thanks between now and Sunday, December 1.

The agencies we are supporting this year are:
Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries     (local)
Samaritan’s Purse Hurricane Helene Relief (national)
Gathering Hearts for Honduras  (international)

You can either mail your check (payable to Southern Heights  Church); place it in one of our lobby offering boxes; or donate  through our usual online giving options. Please remember to  let us know which agency you are supporting.

Let’s help others give thanks through our generous gifts. Serving Him together,

Your Deacons at Southern Heights Church


We will give thanks to God for all He has done for us on Thanksgiving Eve – Wednesday, November 24 from 6:30 to 7:15pm.

A Good Scripture to Memorize


Education Hour is from 9-10am.  This is for Middle School, High School and Adults.  Come and participate in an in-depth Bible Study lesson for your specific group and learn and grow together in your faith.

High School & Middle School – Start in the Student Room…
Then Middle School will go to another room for class.

Adult Bible Study
“Love in Chaos”.  Join the group at 9am in the Conference Room.

REMINDER NOTE – October 27 there will be NO Education Hour
This will be a fall break and we will resume the next Sunday.

Student Ministries

Sunday evenings will be dedicated to our Students in High School and Middle School.  They will alternate Sundays with each other.

HIGH SCHOOL GROUP GATHERING [1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays]
6:00 – 8:00 PM.  Food/Fellowship/Lesson
Leaders: Katrina [teaching lead]; Pastor Todd; Thom; Chad; Diane; Doug; Tami; Andy

MIDDLE SCHOOL GROUP GATHERING [2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays]
6:00 – 8:00 PM.  Food/Fellowship/Lesson
Middle School will follow the format of food/games or activities/lessons
Leaders: Meghan VanLente; Kevin Grand

Then on the 5th Sundays they will both do something special, what will it be?… They’ll find out and it will be good.  Bring friends and check out the newly remodeled Student Room.

1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministries

There is so much activity on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays.  It starts in the morning at 10:00am when the Women’s ministry meets in the conference room.  Later in the day at 5:15pm there will be a light supper of pizza and chips and cookies.  Then at 6pm we will have GEMS (1st -5th grade girls) and Cadets (1st to 5th grade boys), and Women’s Ministry (Same lesson as 10am) and Men’s Ministry.  Bring your friends!


Have a Praise or Prayer Request?

Click on this prayer prompter image or email deborahbos2@gmail.com and your prayer or praise will be included in our weekly Prayer Prompter, which is received and prayed over by many in our Southern Heights family. Tell us if your request is confidential and it will only be shared with elders and staff, who will confidentially pray for you.

Your Offerings to God

as of October 20, 2024

If you have questions about your giving, want a copy of your statement, or for a reminder of what your First Fruits estimate is, please email our Treasurer, Jeff Baas at jmbaas1@gmail.com. He is happy to help you.


It’s that wonderful time of the year in which we get to show our love to our staff in a tangible way.  October is Clergy Appreciation Month and time for our annual Love Offering – an opportunity to show love and appreciation to our hard-working staff here at Southern Heights.

“Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work”
1 Thessalonians 5:13

The Deacons are arranging the love offering during this month.  If you wish to give, please give your gift on or before October 27 and mark it for the Love Offering.

First Fruits Estimates

What is “First Fruits”?
In the Old Testament God called His people to bring the first part of their harvest (First Fruits) as an offering to him (See Deuteronomy 26) hence, the name “First Fruits.”  First Fruits, or Tithing, is an integral part of worship also.  That is why we clap at the time of the offering.  It is as a part of our worship of God.

As we plan for next year, we ask that everyone consider submitting a confidential First Fruits Estimate (Card or online).  The Council wants to be good stewards. This confidential information will help make a wise plan for the year.

Please return the First Fruits Card no later than November 1.
1 – In the offering box in the lobby
2 – Mail to the office
3 – Online at    https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/First-Fruits

Blessings In Christ,
The Council of Southern Heights Church

Interested in Learning More about Kalamazoo Christian School?

On December 3 there will be a special Open House at Kalamazoo Christian School for anyone who wants to learn more about what is offered.  Contact the office shcrc1@gmail.com if you want more details.

Free & Confidential Counseling is Available

If you feel the need to talk to a professional counselor, we have a confidential Church Assistance Program (CAP) with Pine Rest Mental Health Services. To get started – or for more info – call 616.455.6210 or 800.442.0809 and mention our Southern Heights CAP membership when you do.

Answer to Bible Humor

An Eighth-theist.


Photo credit: Laurel Burrows