Our Online Bulletin
Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am
HAPPENINGS is found any time on our website at www.s-heights.org/happenings.
Once per week HAPPENINGS will be emailed to everyone on our email list.
email us at shcrc1@gmail.com if you want to be on the email list.
Bible Brain Buster
In the parable of the talents – at the end – How many talents did the servant who was given 5 talents end up with?
Scroll to the very bottom for the answer.
Dear Friends,
Hi again everybody! It’s that time of the year when it takes about six extra swipes to make it to the bottom of “Happenings” because there’s so much going on in the life of our church family. Please know that, as it does, WHOEVER YOU ARE, WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU!!!
We are praying that all of you who recently got a flyer in the mail from us about our Sunday FUNday (Happening THIS SUNDAY, Sept 8, from 11:30-1:30) will come on over and have some fun with us. PS: if you want to or are just curious, you’re welcome to come check out our Sunday morning worship at 10:30 first (there’s no dress code, and we won’t make it weird for you…pinky promise!)
We are praying for those who are already involved at Southern Heights, that you will grow and be stretched in some new ways this year! We’re praying for God’s work in your life, today and every day!
For those who already know us but who haven’t been here for awhile, we’re praying for you too! May God’s grace and mercy and peace be on you in abundance! The facebook live feed is always available on Sunday mornings for all those who need it.
Now…it’s GO TIME! See yall on Sunday morning at 4141 East Hillandale! 10:30 for worship…the after-party at 11:30 this week! Be there (aka: here)!
His…Pastor todd <><
Upcoming Events at Southern Heights
These are highlights only. CLICK HERE to see the calendar for a full listing.
September 8 – Sunday FUNday – neighborhood block party
September 8 – Middle School party – 6-8pm – at Schreuder’s
September 15 – Kickoff Sunday
9-10am – Education Hour
10:30am – Worship Gathering
11:45am – Picture of Church Family
September 18 – Wednesday Ministry Kickoff
10:00am – Women’s Ministry morning edition
5:15pm – Pizza
6-8pm – Gems, Cadets, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry
September 22 – Adult Discipleship Sunday
September 29 – Pizza with the Pastor
Sunday FUNday
This Sunday, September 8 from 11:30 to 1:30 will be our annual Sunday FUNday block party. We are inviting everyone connected with Southern Heights, friends, family, as well as all our neighbors to enjoy big bounce houses, yard games, food, slushies, music, prizes, so many good things. Come and bring everyone you know. It is always an amazing time.
DO YOU HAVE ANY YARD GAMES? We could use some fun yard games spread around the grounds during the Sunday FUNday event. If you have some that we could borrow that day, please let Jeff Baas know (jmbaas1@gmail.com). Thank you.
Middle School Pre-Season Party
Going into Middle School? If you are in Middle School or going to start 6th grade this fall, you are invited to a party at the Schreuder’s House (2016 Greenbriar Drive Portage) from 6-8pm.
Contact Tami Koning for more info (tamikoning@yahoo.com)
Starting Sunday, September 15 we will have our Education Hour from 9-10am. This is for Middle School, High School and Adults. Come and participate in an in-depth Bible Study lesson for your specific group and learn and grow together in your faith.
Adult Bible Study is doing a series called “Healing the Racial Divide”. Join the group at 9am in the Conference Room.
Immediately after worship on Kickoff Sunday, September 15, we will all go outside for a quick church picture together. It doesn’t matter if you’re here for the first time or the 1000th time, we want you in the picture. It is a great way to see everyone, the whole church family, together. Please don’t miss this important event.
Student Ministries
Sunday evenings will be dedicated to our Students in High School and Middle School. They will alternate Sundays with each other.
High School will be 1st and 3rd Sundays from 6-8pm.
Middle School will be 2nd and 4th Sundays from 6-8pm.
Then on the 5th Sundays they will both do something special, what will it be?… They’ll find out and it will be good. Kickoff Sunday, September 15 at 6:00pm, the High School Ministry begins. Bring friends and check out the new remodeled carpeting, tile and paint. It will be looking great for our students and friends.
1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministries
Kicking off on Wednesday, September 18 we will begin our 1st & 3rd Wednesday Ministries day. There is so much activity. It starts in the morning at 10:00am when the Women’s ministry meets in the conference room. Later in the day at 5:15pm there will be a light supper of pizza and chips and cookies to make it easy for families to not have to worry about dinner these nights. Then at 6pm we will have GEMS (1st -5th grade girls) and Cadets (1st to 5th grade boys), and Women’s Ministry (Same lesson as 10am) and Men’s Ministry. So much good learning and times together. Bring your friends and enjoy an active ministry day on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Gems (girls) and Cadets (boys) will start the evening together with songs and Bible Memory. Then they will go to their own groups for special lessons, games, crafts just for them. Their friends will love it as well.
The Women’s ministry will be doing a study based on “The Chosen” series. They will have two identical lessons, one at 10am and the other at 6pm.
The Men’s ministry will be doing a study on Revelation this fall. Come and dig in to this interesting study. Bring your friends as well. 6pm to 7:30pm on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Picture Board Updates
Is your picture on the picture board wall? Would you like it to be? If you would like your picture on the wall, just email your picture to shcrc1@gmail.com and we will make sure you are included… easy peasy.
If you want your picture updated to a more recent one – same thing – just email one to us.